Altar Servers Association

The Altar Servers Association was formed in 2005. At present there are around 40 altar servers. They enroll themselves after receiving First Holy Communion.

St. John Berchmans is the Patron Saint of the Altar Servers. Altar Servers joyfully serve at the altar; participate worthily in the Mass; prepare themselves before the celebration; and hereby set an example of dignified worship to the congregation.

Ample formation is given to each child before they serve at the altar. Regular meetings and study tours, formation talks, picnics, liturgy practice, sports, are held. Miramar altar servers are known for their active involvement and great participation for mass in chapel. They fulfill their duties at the altar meticulously.

Weekly meetings are held on every Sunday after the catechism. The association is under the guidance of dynamic animator Fr. Kennet Teles and looked after by Brother Melany Pinto of the Pontifical Society of the Heralds of Gospel.